Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Publishing Evolution #82: Print on Demand

1. After visiting the six self-publishing websites, I found that their books are priced around the same as books that have been tradionally published. Prices are ranged per format, with the e-book being the least expensive at $4.95-$6.00, paperbacks run between $13.00-$18.95 and hardback copies sell from $18.90-$28.95. I don't think I have read a book that has been self-published, but I found several titles I would be really interested in reading, such as War and Love: a surgeon's memoir of battlefield medicine with letters home by Howard W. Jones, Jr. and Georgeanna Seeger Jones and The Nicholas Effect: a boy's gift to the world by Reg Green.

2. I think self-publishing is an easier, faster and more economical way to get your books in print.
As a reader, it doesn't matter to me how the book got printed. I am just happy it is available to read.

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